Well, I might be exaggerating a little bit, but not by much. I’d run this blog for quite a long time and I was both proud of and pleased with a number of my posts. Rather than overlook what has been done before, I’ve decided that I am going to re-post a number of my old entries. Why? Let me explain…
So, no, in case you were wondering or suspicious, I am not just trying to “pad” my “new blog” with content! 😛
Part of my desire to re-post these items is to appreciate the work that I have previously done, another part is to appreciate where and how far I’ve come in my own thinking and personal/professional development!
It’s been a journey…
In the years since these were first posted, a lot has happened in my life and career — that much should be evident. As I was looking through all the old content, I was (often simultaneously) impressed by, disappointed with, or amused about some of the positions that I’d taken or had written about. I guess this is understandable and likely a natural consequence of looking back at one’s life over time. Given this, I thought “cut yourself some slack, dude”! There’s no need to be overly critical or hard on myself about it. It is what it is! At the same time, I am also rather pleased how some of these pieces have held up over time.
To the maximum extent practical, I am going to re-post them as is. If I make any modifications, I’ll call those out in the post. My intent here is to use these historical posts as a way of constructing a baseline, understanding where my thinking was/is, and using that as my jumping off point for future blog entries. These will be categorized as “Historical” and should be treated as such.
I’m not opposed to engaging on the topics or the contents of the posts, but I’d like to focus more on future writings, as it’s why I’m restarting this blog in the first place.