Here are my rules for site conduct that people who post here need to abide by:
- There will be no anonymous posting here. If there’s something you don’t want to say publicly, you can talk to yourself. If, for whatever reason, you feel you have a need to have a post be non-attributable, contact me personally to discuss it — don’t just post it and pray!
- Feel free to agree, disagree, etc. People are not all the same and don’t share the same views — that’s the good news. Please don’t get whiny or upset if folks don’t line up with how you see things.
- Be a good participant with others
- Use no language that is (or could be implied as) threatening, obscene, violent or could be construed to make someone fearful or feel degraded.
- I value diversity, inclusion and expect others to respect other participants.
- Obey the relevant copyright and intellectual property laws.
- You may only post content here which:
- Is your own content
- You have been granted the rights to post/use
- or that which you can use/reference within the bounds of the doctrine of Fair Use.
- In posting here, you are acknowledging and accepting your responsibility to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.
- You may only post content here which:
- I assert my ownership of and the rights associated with the copyright and the intellectual property of any of the assets posted here to be no later than the published date appearing on the post. I only authorize the use of the content from this site under Fair Use with proper citation or within the scope of any written agreement with me. If you’d like to arrange a formal, written agreement, please let me know.
- I will not tolerate any unauthorized commercial posts/posting (or “spam”) on this site. In other words, don’t come here to sell or link to your stuff. Start your own site/blog/service.
I will block and/or delete the accounts of anyone that doesn’t comply with the spirit of these rules.
Please accept my thanks in advance for keeping this a respectful, nice place to engage with others!